12B Combat Engineer

The Army Combat Engineer (MOS 12B) is a member of a team, squad, section, or platoon. They provide mobility, counter-mobility, and survivability support to combat forces. Combat engineers are responsible for clearing the way or creating new infrastructure to move over difficult terrain. They may build bridges, roads, or airfields, and lay and clear mines.

They may also: Construct fighting positions for individuals and weapons Construct obstacles and defensive positions Place and detonate explosives Conduct obstacle breaching operations Conduct assault river crossing operations

Combat engineers are skilled in the areas of explosives, bridge construction and demolition, field surveying, mine clearance, and more. They may also be familiar with booby traps, explosives search, boating, water supply, tree felling, sawmill operation, minor construction, rigging, and small engines.

Combat engineers complete both basic combat training and boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood. Female recruits may also complete basic combat training at Fort Sill or Fort Jackson.

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