270A Legal Administrator

The Army MOS 270A is a Legal Administrator. They are the chief of administration for an Army legal office or activity. They manage the administrative aspects of delivering legal services to the Department of the Army and its members.

The 270A Legal Administrator’s duties include: Overseeing a complete range of legal services to the assigned military community Providing technical advice and assistance to military and government attorneys and judges, commanders and staff, and enlisted and civilian legal support personnel Reviewing and providing technical oversight and support for witness procurement, court-martial orders, and other administrative documents Providing Operations Security oversight and planning Continuity of Operations Coordinating with military agencies for proper building and personnel security

The 270A Legal Administrator is primarily located at a headquarters exercising general court-martial jurisdiction or a major command.

The 270A Legal Administrator must have education, training, and experience in: Legal operations Human resources Budget Security Project management Information and knowledge management The JAGC Core Legal disciplines

The 270A Legal Administrator is responsible for MOS proponency and career management functions.

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