35L Counterintelligence (CI) Agent

The Army MOS 35L is a counterintelligence agent. These agents identify and counter foreign and terrorist threats. They conduct investigations and in-depth analysis to detect and counter foreign intelligence entities and national security threats.

Some responsibilities of a 35L include: Detecting and neutralizing intelligence threats Gathering information from processed evidence Conducting counterintelligence investigations of national security crimes Serving as an Army Counterintelligence liaison Collecting and processing both forensic and physical evidence

The 35 series MOS focuses on military intelligence and includes specialties like intelligence analysts, human intelligence, and cryptologic linguists.

To become a 35L, you must be at least 21 years old. If you enlist as a 35L with a degree, you can wear the Specialist rank, or E-4 grade. However, anyone who is good enough can make E-4 after 18 months of service.

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