46V Visual Information Specialist

The Army MOS 46V is a Visual Information Specialist. They use audio visual equipment to create multimedia products that combine text, sound, graphics, animations, and video. These products support different areas of the Army, such as: Public Affairs, Military Intelligence, Psychological Operations.

Visual Information Specialists may be assigned to: A combat camera unit A TV production facility A Garrison public affairs office A combat unit on the front lines

They may also be required to travel to the front lines to document Army units and their soldiers.

Visual Information Specialists are subject matter experts in: Still and video imagery Graphic layout and design High-volume printing Imagery software and equipment Communications platforms and formats

They advise commanders and staff on product concept development.

Visual Information Specialists may be assigned to duty stations such as: Fort Meade, MD NTC, California Hohenfels, Germany Fort Bragg, NC South Korea

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