0351 infantry assaultman

The infantry assault personnel utilize a range of tools and techniques, including rockets, the Anti-Personnel Obstacle Breaching System (APOBS), and demolitions. These assault specialists play a crucial role by delivering rocket fire to support rifle squads, platoons, and companies within the infantry battalion when dealing with fortified enemy positions. In addition to their rocketry support, assault personnel employ APOBS, demolition tactics, and breaching/infiltration methods to facilitate the movement of infantry units during offensive operations. They also employ demolitions and improvised counter-mobility measures when defending against enemy attacks.

Their skillset includes:

  1. Crafting an electric initiation set
  2. Assembling a detonation cord firing system
  3. Creating an explosive charge
  4. Utilizing an explosive charge effectively
  5. Implementing mechanical breaching techniques
  6. Constructing a detonation cord oval charge
  7. Constructing a detonation cord linear charge
  8. Fabricating a dual detonation cord firing system

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