0365 infantry squad leader

The 0365 Infantry Squad Leader MOS is a primary MOS for infantry Marines who promote from other MOSs. The 0365 MOS is a Billet MOS (BMOS) for all Infantry squad and section leader Billet Identification Codes (BIC). The 0365 Infantry Squad Leader MOS is earned through ISULC completion. The squad leader is responsible for the tactical employment, fire discipline, fire control, sustainment, and maneuver of their squad during combat. They are placed in squad billets based on their original MOS proficiency and strength. The squad leader is the tactical center of a squad. They supervise and manage other soldiers and first-line supervisors, also known as team leaders, within their squad. They prepare their soldiers for wartime missions. The squad leader is usually assigned by the Platoon Commander and Platoon Sargent. They are usually the three most senior.

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