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2305 - Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer


Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Officers supervise command and control EOD operations and personnel.

Additionally, they also serve as special staff officers.

EOD Officers are responsible for the EOD function in support of the MAGTF, supporting establishments, homeland defense, and special operations forces by locating, accessing, identifying, rendering safe, neutralizing, and disposing of hazards, both foreign and domestic: chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive (CBRNE), unexploded explosive ordnance (UXO), improvised explosive device (IED), and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that present a threat to operations, installations, personnel, or materiel.


Must meet eligibility and appointment criteria as prescribed in MCO 1040.42B, WO and LDO accession programs.

This MOS may only be assigned to WOs who served at least five years in the MOS 2336; having achieved, at a minimum, the Senior EOD Breast Insignia Qualification.

This will be documented in a page 11 entry, and/or through MCTFS, and should also be documented within the command endorsement of the WO package and a letter of recommendation from a Marine Corps EOD Officer serving in an EOD Officer billet.

Security requirement: top secret security clearance eligibility.

Must meet all requirements for assignment to a critical position within the Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (PRP); refer to reference (j).

Must have normal color vision and no claustrophobic tendencies.

Must meet the medical requirements listed in article 15-107 per reference (ai) for explosive handling and/or explosive driver.

Only MOS 2305 WOs may apply for appointment as a MOS 2305 LDO.


Complete the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer Course (M09B0E1), Twentynine Palms, CA.

Warrant Officers must complete the Warrant Officer Basic Course (WOBC) (M02RMN4) within 18 months of appointment.

Requirements for continued qualification and progression training: all EOD Officers will be annually screened for continued service in the EOD MOS using NAVMC form 11362.

Based on the comprehensive standards covered under NAVMC form 11362, EOD Officers will not be screened using NAVMC form 11386.

The following core competencies must be trained to and sustained by all EOD Officers.

Render safe of Explosive Ordnance (EO).

WMD operations.

IED defeat operations.

Disassembly and Inerting.

Post blast investigation.

Advanced TTPs for EOD tools and equipment.

Advanced electronics.

Specialized demolition techniques.

EOD robotics employment and usage.

UXO operations.

Destruction of explosive ordnance.

Explosive Ordnance Exploitation.

Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance.

Homemade Explosives (HME) identification and neutralization.




For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to reference (by), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician/Officer Training and Readiness Manual, and reference (ba), Marine Corps EOD Program.

Emergency Management Specialists 13-1061.
