132X Navy Aviator - NFO URL

132X is the MOS for a Naval Flight Officer (NFO) in the US Navy. NFOs are unrestricted line officers (URLs) who are qualified to fly heavier-than-air or heavier and lighter-than-air aircraft.

NFOs receive specialized training on the advanced tactical systems and complex communications systems found in Navy aircraft. They are eligible for command at sea and ashore in the various naval aviation aircraft type/model/series (T/M/S) communities. At a senior level, they can command carrier air wings and aircraft carriers afloat and functional air wings.

NFO candidates must: Be at least 19 years old Be able to complete degree requirements Be commissioned prior to age 27

The maximum age limit may be adjusted upward to age 31 with active duty or prior active duty service computed on a month-for-month basis and approved by PERS-313.

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