717X Special Warfare Technician CWO

717X is the MOS for a Special Warfare Combatant Craft Technician Chief Warrant Officer (CWO). These officers are tactical and technical experts in Naval Special Warfare operations. They lead Special Boat Team (SBT) Troops and direct personnel in the execution of combatant craft operations in every theater.

The SWCC program evolved from the PT boats of World War II and the “Brown Water Navy” of Vietnam. SWCCs are specially trained to conduct and support special operations missions and work primarily with Naval Special Warfare Sea, Air and Land teams (SEAL).

SWCC training is 22 weeks long. It consists of: 2 weeks of Indoctrination (administrative and physical preparation) 8 weeks of Basic Crewman Training (BCT) 12 weeks of advanced Crewman Qualification Training (CQT)

In the United States Armed Forces, a chief warrant officer is any warrant officer in pay grades CW2 and above.

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