4H0X1 Cardiopulmonary Laboratory
4H0X1 is the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) for Cardiopulmonary Laboratory. Cardiopulmonary Laboratory technicians perform and manage: Noninvasive diagnostic cardiac procedures Invasive diagnostic and interventional cardiac procedures Pulmonary function testing Diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopies Respiratory therapy They assist physicians who diagnose and treat diseases of the heart and lungs. They perform essential lab and clinical functions for patients in their care. Cardiopulmonary Laboratory technicians are enlisted assistants to commissioned medical professionals. They perform hands-on patient care. Cardiopulmonary Laboratory technicians perform cardiopulmonary diagnostic testing such as: Treadmill stress tests EKGs Holter monitoring Students attending Phase II of the Cardiopulmonary Laboratory program will challenge the Certified Cardiographic Technician (CCT) exam by the Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI).