1833 aav crewman

MOS 1833 is a military occupational specialty code for U.S. Marine assault amphibious vehicle (AAV) crewmen. These military professionals operate and maintain AAVs to support and complete military missions. AAV crewmen are part of the Marine Corps Combat Infantry. They prepare AAVs for the tactical employment of troops and equipment during ship to shore movement and the resulting operations ashore.

Duties include: Tactical employment Gunnery using the onboard weapon systems Communications Maneuver

The job is open to ranks ranging from private to master gunnery sergeant. It’s considered a primary MOS (PMOS). To become an AAV crewman, individuals must complete all entry requirements, attend recruit training and coursework. They also attend a nearly 55-day course aboard Camp Pendleton, California. The ACV is considered a compliment and partial replacement of the AAV. Marines operating either the ACV or AAV will hold the same MOS.

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