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0507 - Strategic Planner


Strategic Planners are developed through the combination of advanced intermediate level education and a utilization tour as an operational planner (0505).

Their education and professional experience prepare these officers to continue on as advanced planners at the service level.

Strategic Planners play a critical role in the development and implementation of service policy.

These officers drive the strategic direction of the service by shaping force design, force development, and force employment.

Strategic Planners will primarily reside at the service headquarters deputy commandant level; however, most Marine Expeditionary Forces and Service Components will also rate one 0507 as a senior planner.

Select joint billets may be filled by a Strategic Planner based on available inventory.

0507 billets are listed as additional skills designators and maintained by DC PP&O and DC M&RA to ensure appropriate billets are staffed with Strategic Planners.


Advanced intermediate level education (A-ILE) or Joint Advanced Warfighting School complete.


Marine officers are awarded this MOS after 12 successful months in an 0505 billet or to the satisfaction of the commanding officer, whichever is shorter.

Requests for this FMOS will be submitted to a servicing IPAC with an endorsement from the first general officer in the Marine’s chain of command.




Lead strategic planning efforts for the service headquarters.

Conduct complex problem solving, assist senior leader decision making, and align service resources with national strategic guidance.

