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1730 - Civil Affairs Officer


Civil Affairs Officers assist the MAGTF commander to plan, coordinate, and conduct civil affairs operations and civil-military operations.

They help ensure the civil implications of all MAGTF missions are considered throughout the Marine Corps Planning Process.

Civil Affairs Officers act as an interface between the MAGTF commander and a wide variety of civilian populations, agencies, and organizations.

CA Officers informs, influence, shape, and gain access to the cognitive civil environment through targeted and integrated civil reconnaissance and civil engagements.


Security requirement: secret security clearance eligibility.

Must be a major, captain, and 1st or 2nd lieutenant of any MOS.

Majors with more than four years’ time-in-grade are ineligible for initial civil affairs qualification training.


Complete the Civil Affairs Officer Course (M020A3D) conducted at MCCMOS, MCB Quantico, VA.

The following course of instruction are desirable as a skill progression course for MOS 1730: Civil-Military Operations (CMO) Planner Officer Course (M02ZSFD).

Skill enhancement training courses recommended for MOS 1730: Security Cooperation Planner’s Course (MCSCG) (N030JX3).

MAGTF OIE Practitioner Course (MOPC) (N03F2G1).

USAID’s Joint Humanitarian Operations Course (JHOC101).

DAU Contracting Officers Representative Course (CLC222).

DoD Humanitarian Assistance Response Training (HART101).

NATO CIMIC Field Worker Course (NCFWC100).




Develop civil affairs plans (engagements, assessments, civil reconnaissance, etc.) and advise the commander on the conduct of civil affairs operations (CA activities, military government operations, CA supported activities) throughout the conflict continuum for all operations, contingencies, and exercises.

Integrate civil affairs activities and tasks (engagements, assessments, civil reconnaissance, etc.) with supported unit.

Provide civil preparation of the battlespace (civil considerations) into the intelligence preparation of the battlespace and marine corps planning process.

Participate in the CMO working group, information operations working group, targeting board and other B2C2WGs as appropriate.

Coordinate and liaise with interagency, host nation, international and non-governmental personnel.

Establish relationships to shape, inform, influence, and exploit within the battlespace and synchronize efforts with information related capabilities and other elements of the MAGTF to leverage capabilities and maximize effects.

Emergency Management Specialist 13-1061.

Advisor, 0570.

Operational Advisor, 0571.

Influence Officer, 1707.