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1786 - Space Operations Staff Officer


Space Operations Staff Officers are Marine officers who have acquired introductory level training in the space environment, space-based and space-enabled capabilities, and their applications to specific warfighting capabilities.

They are able to integrate this knowledge into training, operational planning, and execution in order to maximize exploitation of these capabilities for the benefit of the commander and the warfighter.


Security requirement: secret security clearance, SCI eligible.


Complete the National Security Space Institute Space 200 Course (F25M013), Space Delta 13 (Del 13), Colorado Springs, CO or the Army Space Cadre Basic Course (F25M054), US Army Space and Missile Defense Center of Excellence (USA SMDCoE), Colorado Springs, CO.




Understand and apply space operations fundamentals, doctrine, mission areas, and organizations.

Understand basic impacts of and assist in planning the operational space mission areas per Joint Publication 3-14, Joint Space Operations.

Considerations will include employment of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR); missile warning; environmental monitoring; satellite communications (SATCOM); position, navigation, and timing (PNT); and offensive and defensive space operations, to include navigation warfare (NAVWAR).

Provide space operations insight across all military occupational specialties in order to support overall space domain integration within the MAGTF.

Inform boards, bureaus, centers, cells, and working groups (B2C2WG) on space operations considerations.


Maritime Space Officer, 1706.

Space Operations Officer, 8866.