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3047 - Supply Chain Manager


Supply Chain Managers are required to have a tactical understanding in the execution of supply chain functions and programs, some which are unique to the service and Department of Defense.

Supply Chain Managers manage flows of goods, services, finance, and knowledge for an effective and efficient end-to-end supply chain to support enterprise strategic objectives.

Supply Chain Managers perform all functions related to ground supply operations, to include customer service support, life cycle management, warehousing, financial management, inventory management, storage operations management and return for excess or defective product.

Additionally, these Marines will be familiar with the impacts of supply chain management to operational-level logistics required to support distributed and expeditionary operations.

Supply Chain Managers provide maximum flexibility to Commanders to tailor their units based on assigned missions and operational requirements.

They will serve in one of the following commands: operating forces unit, a non-operating forces activity, or a supporting establishment.

Advise and provide recommendations to the supply officer on all supply matters.

This MOS is a career progression for corporals with MOSs 3043 and 3051.


Must have held PMOS of 3043 or 3051.

No conviction by court-martial, civilian court or non-judicial punishment of any act involving larceny, theft, or drugs.

Security requirement: must possess a favorably adjudicated national agency check with local agency check and credit checks (NACLC) personnel security investigation.


Attain the rank of sergeant.

The Supply Chain Management Intermediate Course (M0330G1/GM) is not an MOS producing course and therefore completion of the course is not a requirement to be assigned MOS 3047 as primary MOS.

Upon promotion to sergeant, MOS 3047 will be granted and reported in MCTFS as the primary MOS via a unit diary entry.

Active component and active reserve sergeants holding MOS 3047, must successfully complete the Supply Chain Management Intermediate Course (M0330G1) to be eligible for promotion to staff sergeant.




The following are the related duties the specialty is most likely to perform in general at the following assigned activities.

For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to reference (r), Supply Chain and Materiel Management Training and Readiness Manual.

Retail consumer level activities and units.

Executes the production, acquisition, receipt, storage, issue, and distribution of equipment, repair parts, and general supplies.

Prepares, maintains, and controls organizational key supporting documents.

Maintains, manages, administrates, and operates supply systems and activities.

Formulates, manages, and expends budgetary execution goals.

Computes requirement, determines allowance, researches and identifies supplies and equipment requirements.

Inspects completed work for accuracy and compliance with established procedures.

Coordinates supply activities.

Reviews changes to unit materiel condition status.

Post transactions to organizational and installation property records and supporting transaction files.

Computes space for storage requirement, determines effectiveness of safety programs, and operates basic garrison and field material handling equipment (MHE).

Inspects shipping and receiving documents and separates shipping discrepancies for resolution.

Coordinates customer issues and deliveries.

Retail intermediate level activities and units.

Determine customer demand patterns and anticipate future requirements of repair parts and general supplies.

Distributes newly fielded weapon systems and equipment according to established fielding plans.

Processes requisitions, issues, and inventory adjustments in accordance with established procedures and policies.

Provides support to retail consumer and intermediate maintenance activities.

Coordinates with maintenance activities on repairable component actions and component exchange, and bills of material in support of maintenance.

Accounts for all items contained in mobility readiness spares packages for exercises, deployments, contingencies and operations.

Operates vertical lift, horizontal carousel, and vertical carousel storage system.

Picks and handles sales order and utilizes warehouse management system to direct and track material for receiving, storage, or cross-docking operations.

Wholesale activities and units.

Acts as an agent or advising agent in the acquisition of inventory, materiel, equipment, and products for subsequent resale to retail consumer and/or retail intermediate activities and units.

Acts as a liaison between the Marine Corps and Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).

Formal training schools.

This occupational specialty draws upon its own experience and expertise of mid-level management to train entry-level Marines in the duties they will perform.

Marines from this occupational specialty assigned to formal schools apply adult learning techniques in knowledge transference to the student utilizing the systems approach to training modeled after the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation process of training development.

Marines assigned to formal schools and/or curriculum developers are performing an additional related standard occupational classification of 13-1151, training and development specialists.

Supply Chain Manager.

Marines from mid to senior level management assigned to this occupational specialty to the duties of inspecting and analyzing retail level activities in the compliance of DoD and Marine Corps policy and procedures are performing an additional related standard occupational classification of 13-1041, compliance officers.

Serve as the organizations designated services agreements manager (SAM) to administer and promote the support agreement program (Reimbursable Work Orders Performer and Grantor) and serve as the POC for support agreement matters.

Execute reliability of intragovernmental transactions buy or sell data in support of increased transparency, enhanced government-wide financial management to manage receipts and acceptance of GT&C agreements, orders, and performance.


Aviation Supply Specialist, 6672.