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3302 - Food Service Officer


Food Service Officers are special staff officers that supervise and manage the commanders’ food service and subsistence program.

They act as an interface between the commander and a wide variety of logistics agencies and organizations, while working closely with finance and supply communities to ensure the proper execution and expenditure of MPMC 1105 appropriated funds.

Food Service Officers serve as technical advisers to commanders at all levels within the MAGTF, as well as supporting organizations, on the appropriate employment of food service personnel and equipment capabilities.

They lead, coordinate, and integrate tailoring actions in support of the Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Program, as well as the Marine Corps Prepositioning Program-Norway (MCPP-N).

Food Service Officers ensure that combat feeding platforms are tailored and aligned with maritime expeditionary warfare capabilities throughout the prepositioning network.

Food Service Officers plan, direct, coordinate, integrate, execute and/or supervise the execution of operations, and sustain operational forces throughout the conflict continuum for all operations, humanitarian assistance, crisis response activities, contingencies, and exercises.

Food Service Officers analyze, translate, and execute commanders’ intent and operational requirements to support mission requirements across the enterprise.

When forward deployed and during combat operations, or in support of humanitarian assistance/disaster relief, civil-military operations, distributed maritime operations, or other remote environments where DoD approved food sources are not established, Food Service Officers plan, direct, and coordinate actions with DoD agencies and appropriate medical authorities to ensure safe and hazardous-free food sources are obtained.

When assigned to an installation command, Food Service Officers coordinate and manage installation messing and food service support, as well as perform quality control inspections of mess hall operations.

They coordinate food service and messing activities at installations, units, bases, and stations, to include operating forces and shore station organizations.

They provide technical assistance with the planning, budgeting, procurement, and functional layout of mess hall equipment and furniture.

They shape and influence the design of dining facility construction, and rehabilitation projects for food service facilities.

They administer the menu development and nutrition awareness program.

This MOS is technical in nature and requires years of experience to become proficient.

Due to the diversity of commands throughout the Marine Corps, some of the duties and tasks performed by the Food Service Officer may overlap with those of the supply officer and/or logistics officer.

Additional billet roles may include assignment as company commander, formal school faculty, acquisition and cross-servicing arrangements (ACSA) manager, requirements development technician in coordination with the Capabilities Integration Officer at CD&I, OccFld specialist, and operations officer.


Must meet eligibility and appointment criteria as prescribed in MCO 1040.42B, WO and LDO accession programs.

Meet any additional eligibility and appointment criteria as may be prescribed in the convening MARADMIN message.

Unrestricted officers with primary MOS 3302 are preferred; however unrestricted officers with other primary MOSs may apply to the 3302 LDO program.


Complete the Senior Food Service Course (A14FAD1), U.S.

Army Quartermaster School, Ft Gregg-Adams, VA.

Any 3302 Officer who has not completed the Senior Food Service Course after two years will be considered unqualified and subject to termination.

Warrant Officers (III): WOs must complete the WOBC (M02RMN4) within 18 months of appointment to WO.

Enlisted Applicants for selection as 3302 WOs must have demonstrated food service technical qualifications through the sustained superior performance of duties within their MOS.

MOS credibility is paramount to any other quality.

Limited Duty Officer Program (II): Applicants for MOS 3302 LDO shall have demonstrated technical qualifications through the superior performance of duties as an unrestricted officer.

Successful tours at an installation program office, a formal learning center, as well as a deployable unit are good indicators of potential success as 3302 LDOs.

Skill progression and enhancement courses/schools desirable for Food Service Officers, MOS 3302, include: Joint Course on Logistics (JCL) (A14L232) at the U.S.

Army Logistics Management College (ALMC), Ft Gregg-Adams, VA.

Logistics Officer Course (M03LAV7) at the Logistics Operations School, Marine Corps Combat Service Support Schools, Camp Johnson/Camp Lejeune, NC.

Intermediate MAGTF Logistics Operations Course (IMLOC) (M09F2F9), Marine Corps Logistics Operations Group (MCLOG), 29 Palms, CA.

Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Staff Planning Course (N30L8Q1), Expeditionary Warfare Training Group, Pacific, San Diego, CA.

MPF Staff Planning Course (N03L8Q1), EWTGLANT, Norfolk, VA.

USAID’s Joint Humanitarian Operations Course (JHOC101).

DAU Contracting Officers Representative Course (CLC222).

DoD Humanitarian Assistance Response Training (HART101).




Analyzes and translates commanders operational requirements into an executable food service and subsistence support packages, tailored to meet commanders intent and enhance mission accomplishment.

Determines Class I war reserve material (WRM) requirements.

Synchronizes Inter-service and bilateral coordination between the Marine Crops and its partners to effectively plan and employ host nation support and prepositioning operations.

Facilitates the coordination between civil affairs personnel and elements conducting civil-military operations with interagency, host nation, international and non-governmental personnel in support of the feeding mission.

Represents the command at Service and MARFOR levels during force deployment planning conferences, and ensures implementation for food service and Class I subsistence concept of support.

Reports command budget and subsistence operational and accounting data for meals consumed in the field and in garrison.

Ensures accurate readiness reporting and attainment for table of authorized materiel control number (TAMCN) associated with field feeding systems and other platforms.

Proposes sourcing solutions to best represent MPF and MCPP-N exercise requirements.

Fortifies the global response capability by prepositioning the right mix of equipment, supplies, and sustainment to support scalable, tailorable MAGTFs in their response to crises, contingencies, and steady state operations.

Advocates for deliberate urgent needs statement (D-UNS) and Joint statement of needs (JSN) proposals to address food service capability gaps and shortfalls in the combat feeding capabilities and integration portfolio.

Advocates for modernization efforts that enable the commanders’ ability to fuel and sustain their warfighters through human performance optimization and food technologies, while forward deployed on the battlefield.

Ensures food and water risk assessments are performed to mitigate hazardous and illness from food and water supplied by the local economy.

Facilitates coordinated actions to ensure approved sources of supply are established to sustain the warfighter with safe and hazardous-free food supplies, from the local economy.

Serves as Class I logistics and food service representative for Operational Planning Teams and Crisis Action Teams to provide critical information to the commander and staff in support of deliberate and crisis action planning.

Provides contract feeding oversight on the battlefield and during contingency operations, as a function of food service and messing support.

Sustains airfields in support of a wide range of military and humanitarian operations.

Provides subject matter expertise on the capabilities of inter service feeding systems, and synchronizes efforts with information related capabilities to leverage capabilities and maximize effects.

Develops estimates of supportability and concepts of logistics support for Class I subsistence and food service support.

Participates in high-level meetings to provide input to global logistics partners, DoD, joint staff, and inter service agencies, on the development of Marine Corps food service and combat feeding operational requirements, strategy, doctrine, and training equities.

When appointed as warranted contracting officers, or ACSA manager, and in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations, administer messing support contracts, evaluate technical requirements, specifications, proposals and subsequent contractor performance through quality assurance and food safety measures.

For additional duties and tasks, refer to reference (x), Food Service Training and Readiness Manual.

Food Service Managers 11-9051.

Logisticians 13-1081.

Procurement Services Manager 162.167-022.

Contracts Manager 163.117-010.

Purchasing Managers 11-3061.

General and Operations Managers 11-1021

Logistics Officer, MOS 0402.

Ground Supply Officer, MOS 3002.

Operational Contract Support (OCS) Officer, MOS 3006.