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6199 - Enlisted Aircrew/Aerial Observer/Gunner


Enlisted Aircrew/Aerial Observers/ Aerial Gunners are flight crew members who, when assigned to the flight schedule, are responsible to the pilot in command to assist the crew chief while in operation of the aircraft and associated mission/weapons systems.

Their duties include but are not limited to; assist in operational planning, assist in pre-flight/post flight of the aircraft, assist in start-up/shut-down of the aircraft, assist in various ground taxi/take-off/in-flight/landing duties, obstacle detection/avoidance, navigational assistance, threat detection/avoidance, embark/debark and securing of passengers/cargo, operation of mission/weapons systems, liaison between pilots and ground personnel, identify and diagnosis in-flight aircraft/mission/weapons systems malfunctions, and assist in execution of emergency procedures.

They are required to employ crew concepts and utilize Crew Resource Management in the performance of their duties.

Strong verbal communications are required in the performance of their duties.

They are required to understand the theory and operation of all aircraft/mission/weapons systems in order to provide assistance to identify, diagnosis, execute emergency procedures.

They perform a multitude of ground handling duties in support of flight operations e.g.

taxi directing of aircraft, ground refueling, aircraft towing, securing / un-securing of aircraft for flight, assist in pre-flight / post flight of aircraft, etc.

Strong verbal communication skills are needed in the performance of their duties.


Must have normal color perception.

Security requirement: secret security clearance eligibility.

Volunteer for duties involving flight as an aircraft crewmember.

Must have WS-“B(+) water survival qualification.


Meet the requirements of reference (ah) and reference (ai), the USN Manual of the Medical Department with normal depth perception.

Complete all requirement contained in appropriate NATOPS Manual or syllabi peculiar to the aircraft.




For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to reference (bo), Aviation Training and Readiness Programs.

Upon meeting all eligibility listed for the certification of this MOS, the individual recipient shall coordinate with their unit administration department to ensure this MOS is added to their Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) in order to accurately reflect the corresponding aviation qualification/designation within their permanent record.

Air Crew Members 55-3011.
