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6607 - Aviation Logistician


Aviation Logisticians are assigned to selected headquarters and staffs.

They are trained in aviation logistics (AVLOG) support plan development.

The skill set provides headquarters staffs with aviation logistics specific subject matter expertise to support the force deployment planning and execution process, exercise planning, pre-positioning program development execution, and doctrine development.


Must possess as a primary MOS either MOS 6002, Aircraft Maintenance Officer; MOS 6004, Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Officer; MOS 6302, Avionics Officer; MOS 6502, Aviation Ordnance Officer; MOS 6602, Aviation Supply Officer; or MOS 6604, Aviation Supply Operations Officer.

Security requirement: secret security clearance eligibility.


Complete at least two of the following courses: Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) Staff Planning Course, covered by the Expeditionary Warfare Training Group (CIN: K-2E-119).

Joint Logistics Course (JLC) (A14L232) at the U.S.

Army Logistics University (ALU), Ft Gregg-Adams, VA.

Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Action Officer Course (JAOC) (JD2101) at Ft Eustis, VA.

Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Support Personnel Course (JSPC) (JD1102) at Ft Eustis, VA.




Serve as AVLOG representative for Operational Planning Teams and Crisis Action Teams.

Support the development, review, and update of OPLANS/CONPLANS in support of higher headquarters’ directives.

Review/validate Time Phased Force Deployment Data to ensure compliance with guidance and directives.

Develop estimates of supportability and concepts of logistics support.

Support the development and operational orders and letters of instruction for ACE operations and exercises.

General and Operations Managers 11-1021.

Administrative Services Managers 11-3011.

Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers 11-3071.

Logisticians 13-1081.

Operations Research Analysts 15-2031.
