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7202 - Air Command and Control Officer


Air Command and Control Officers plan and coordinate the activities of Marine Air Command and Control Systems (MACCS) agencies.

They advise commanders on matters pertaining to integration and joint employment of the MACCS.

Air Command and Control Officers are relied upon to execute the decentralized control of assigned aircraft and missiles in the MAGTF Area of Operations (AO).

Air Command and Control Officers plan, organize, direct, and manage tactical operations.

These include tactical control of aircraft and air traffic control, surface and airborne fires integration, Unmanned Aircraft Integration, Radar Network Management, Tactical Data Link Operations, airspace planning and the employment of Ground Based Air Defense (GBAD).

They command or assist in commanding such units.

The Joint Air Operations Center Air Command and Control Course (JAOC2C) (F19L2W2); JT-101 Introduction to Multi-Tactical Data Link Network Operations Course (JT-101Intro to MTN OPS); JT-102 Multi-TDL Advanced Joint Interoperability Course (JT-102 MAJIC) (A05L6Z1); JT-201 Multi-TDL Network Planners Course (A05KHY1);JT-301 Joint Interface Control Officers Course (JT-301 JICO) (A05FH21); Military Airspace Management Course (F0273D1); MAWTS-1 Air Command and Control Officers Course (ACCOC) (M1467Q1); MAWTS-1 ACE Battle-Staff Officer Course (ABOC); MAWTS-1 TACC University Course; MAWTS-1 Senior Watch Officer (SWO) Course; and the MAWTS-1 Weapons and Tactics Instructor (WTI) Course (M149731) are available as skills enhancement training for the Air Command and Control Officer.


Security requirement: secret security clearance eligibility.

Must have normal color perception.

Must have 20/20 vision (may be correctable to 20/20 with eyeglasses or contact lenses).

Hearing loss no greater than 15db between 500-2,000 Hz.


Unrestricted Officers holding a primary MOS from OccFld 72 will be assigned MOS 7202 upon promotion to the grade of Major.




For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to 72XX Aviation Training and Readiness (T&R) Manual.

Command and control Center Officers 55-1015.
