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7502 - Forward Air Controller/Air Officer


A Naval Aviator, Naval Flight Officer, or Unmanned Aircraft Systems Officer serving as a JTAC assigned to a non-aviation unit.

The FAC is prepared to integrate all functions of aviation during the planning and execution of ground operations, and is prepared to conduct required liaison.


Must be a 75XX officer or UAS officer.


This MOS is to be assigned as a non-PMOS only to Naval Aviators, Naval Flight Officers, and UAS Officers, upon completion of the Amphibious Tactical Air Control Party Course (N306741) at NAB, Coronado, San Diego, CA; or (N036741) at NAB, Little Creek, VA.




Advises commanders of ground units on the suitability of targets as objectives for aircraft, types of aircraft best suited for particular missions, and on marking of targets and front-line positions.

Maintains liaison with Ground Intelligence Officers to obtain information on enemy positions, location of targets, position of front lines, and time aircraft are needed for strike.

Arranges air support missions by contacting aviation units and giving number and type of aircraft needed, target information, armament desired, and time of attack.

Directs and controls aircraft on a support mission by radio communication from a forward position.

Observes and reports the results of strikes.

Coordinates all aviation assault support missions for ground units.

Teachers and Instructors, All Other 25-3099.
