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8002 - Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC)


This MOS is assigned to Marines serving in 8002 billets within the Marine Corps’ Total Force Structure.

Marines serving in these billets form the forward element of the Theater Air Ground System, who from a forward position directs the action of combat aircraft engaged in close air support, and other offensive air operations.

Marines who graduate the below MOS awarding schools must conduct follow on training per the Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Training and Readiness Manual under the supervision of a Weapons Tactics Instructor or a JTAC Evaluator in order to be permitted to control aircraft un-supervised.


JTAC must be a 2ndLt or above and hold the primary MOS 0302, 0802, 1802, or 1803.


Complete the Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Course, (N036741), Norfolk, VA; or (N306741) San Diego, CA.

at EWTG.




Advises commanders of ground units on the suitability of targets as objectives for aircraft, types of aircraft best suited for particular missions, and on marking of targets and front-line positions Maintains liaison with ground intelligence officers to obtain information on enemy positions, location of targets, position of front lines, and time aircraft are needed for strike.

Arranges air support missions by contacting aviation units and giving number and type of aircraft needed, target information, armament desired, and time of attack.

Directs and controls aircraft on a support mission by radio communication from a forward position.

Observes and reports the results of strikes.

Coordinates all aviation assault support missions for ground units.

Additional duties are delineated in reference (dd).

Command and Control Center Officers 55-1015.
