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8151 - Guard


Guards enforce, or supervise the enforcement of security measures and the protection of classified material and United States property and personnel.




Not to be assigned to personnel either as a primary or additional MOS.

To be used only as a billet designator in T/O’s.




Enforces military or Department of State regulations and orders.

Controls entrances and access to military installations, United States diplomatic missions, or other designated establishments.

Verifies authenticity of passes and identification cards of military personnel, civilian employees, and visitors afoot or in motor vehicles entering or leaving installations or diplomatic missions.

Prevents unauthorized removal and theft of United States Government property.

Makes periodic checks of standing lights and locked doors and designated secure areas.

Receives and verifies guard property.

Maintains guard property accounts and guard report logbooks.

Prepares offense, accident, unusual incident, injury reports and correspondence pertaining to activities of a guard unit.

Assures that scheduled bugle calls are sounded.

Conduct guard mount.

Inspect and instruct guards and sentinels while on post.

Supervises or assists in the supervising of the guard of the day during emergency situations.

Directs traffic, escorts visitors, or vehicles delivering supplies and equipment.

Security Guards 33-9032.
