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8240 - Basic Foreign Area Officer


The Basic Foreign Area Officer (FAO) will be used to identify those billets that require a designated FAO of any regional sub-specialty (FMOS 8241 through 8249).

It will also be used to identify officers undergoing training as FAOs until they complete the requirements for designation in a regional sub-specialty (FMOS 8241 through 8249).

This MOS may be assigned only as a FMOS.

MOS 8240 will be assigned and voided only by authority of CMC (MM).


Must have been selected to the international affairs program through the commandant’s career-level education board and started the national security affairs graduate degree program.


Selected to attend graduate-level study of international relations, with an emphasis in regional studies appropriate to a designated region (Phase I); basic language training at the Defense Language Institute/Foreign Language Center, Monterey, CA (Phase II); and designated overseas In-Country training (Phase III).

At the end of Phase II, complete the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) with a minimum score of Level 2 in all tested areas.

Must maintain a minimum tested language capability in a designated language, in accordance with current regulations.




Uses the language and knowledge of military forces, culture, history, sociology, economics, politics, and geography of selected areas of the world to perform duties as directed.

Performs in operational and strategic level Marine Corps, Joint, or Combined Staffs in operations, planning, security cooperation, or intelligence billets; or within the Defense Attaché System (DAS).

Political Scientists 19-3094.
