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8999 - Sergeant Major-First Sergeant


The Command Senior Enlisted Leader is responsible to the commander for all matters which effect the morale, welfare, discipline, mission success, and overall readiness of the unit.

They disseminate and enforce Marine Corps and local policies, orders, and directives.

They possess comprehensive knowledge of Marine Corps organization, history, traditions, customs and courtesies.

They are directly responsible for all enlisted career human resource matters within the unit and have a mandate to maintain and develop the total force.


Must have requested to be considered for 1stSgt on latest fitness report by typing an “F” in item 8h.

Security requirement: Secret security clearance required for first sergeant.

Top secret clearance required for sergeant major.

Possess a high degree of moral character, ethical standards, embodies our core values, leadership traits and principles.

Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Exhibit a consistent and exemplary standard of military appearance, physical fitness, and personal discipline.

Ability to obtain situational awareness and think critically.

Demonstrate an ability to multitask and manage shifting priorities.

Possess’ a high degree of physical and mental resilience.


Elected to 1stSgt or SgtMaj by an enlisted promotion board.

1stSgts are required to attend E-8 PME requirements.

1stSgts are required to attend 1stSgt school.

SgtMajs are required to attend E-9 PME requirements.




1stSgt: Serve as the unit senior enlisted leader (USEL) and subject matter expert to the commander on the responsibilities of command and institutional standards.

Communicates commander’s intent and facilitates personnel and professional development.

Assist the commander in creating a positive command climate and institutional culture with a focus on readiness, mission, diversity, inclusion, and accountability.

Supervise, inspect, and enforce standards relating to good order and discipline, the conduct of drill and ceremonies, military appearance, customs and courtesies.

Responsible for the administrative correctness of all enlisted performance evaluations and assists in ensuring the timeliness of the command’s fitness reports and junior enlisted evaluations.

Ensures the timely and accurate completion of administrative tasks in support of internal and external correspondence, awards, promotions, MCTFS reporting, and request mast.

Disseminate and enforce all applicable orders and policies throughout the organization.

Assist in the development and management of professional relationships.

Supervise all personnel matters (i.e.

force preservation, quality of life issues, personal and professional development and readiness).

Screen personnel within the command for assignment to special duty assignments, screen able “B” billets and overseas assignments.

Conduct, supervise and manage enlisted professional education including non-resident and resident PME, unit PME program, annual training requirements and professional reading program.

Assist commander in the operational mission of the unit.

Assist the commander in the sustainment of unit readiness through all functions of command.

Review and advise on legal process’ residing with the unit commander or higher.

Assume any additional duties as directed by the commander.

In addition to those duties expected of a 1stSgt, SgtMajs (04 & 05 command level): Fully understand orders, regulations, and doctrinal publications applicable to the command in order to assist the commander in shaping policy.

Assist the commander with, retention, career development, retirement and separations of all Marines in the command.

Provide oversight and ensure compliance of the unit’s single Marine program.

Assist in the mentorship and development of the unit’s enlisted and officers.

Provide oversight of the unit’s Prevention Programs and utilization of available services.

Assist in the development of staff personnel, special staff, and collateral duty billet holders.

Provide oversight of the command inspection program and any external inspections.

Assist the Commander with the proper manning and resourcing of personnel throughout subordinate units.

Develop, supervise, and train subordinate unit leaders in the proper execution of drill, ceremonies, and protocol.

Create Professional Military Education opportunities for Marines within the unit.

Assume other duties as designated by the commander and higher headquarters.

In addition to those duties expected at the 1stSgt and 04/05 level, SgtMajs (06 command level): Interact with higher headquarters in order to advocate for the needs of subordinate units.

Interpret and implement higher headquarters policies within mission requirements of subordinate units.

Cultivate a positive and non-biased professional relationship and open lines of communication with subordinate command teams.

Review and advise on legal process’ unique to commanders with courts martial convening authority.

Mentor and develop subordinate unit senior enlisted and commanders, and advise on complex unit and personnel challenges.

Must be familiar with the titles, authorities, budget, and permissions applicable to the command and its mission.

Develop a familiarity with the Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational (JIIM) environment and Diplomacy, Information, Military, and Economic (DIME) considerations.

Assume other duties as designated by the commander and higher headquarter.

In addition to those duties expected at all previous levels, SgtMajs (general/flag officer level): Advise in the development of the command inspection program.

Must be well versed in the commanders’ and CMC strategic messaging campaign.

Be familiar with strategic level documents (i.e., national defense strategy, national military strategy).

Assist the commander with policies affecting DOD civilians and contractors in support of the command.

Understanding general officer protocols and professional ethics.

Develop a functional understanding of the JIIM environment and DIME/PMESII considerations.

Assume other duties as designated by the general officer.

