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9702 - Joint Qualified Officer (JQO)


Joint Qualified Officers (JQO) Level III are officers normally in the grade of major and above who have been awarded the JQO designation by the Secretary of Defense per Chapter 38 of reference (ao).

The designation of JQO is the recognition for significant joint matters experience and joint education that enables an officer to function as a joint matters expert.

This MOS appears in the special information/joint block on the master brief sheet on the Basic Individual Record.

This MOS will never appear as a primary or additional.

The Under Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness is the approval authority.


Must be in the grade of O-4 or above to be designated JQO Level III.

Must have the approved JQO designation by USD (P&R) to receive the 9702 MOS.

Must be identified as eligible for Joint Qualified Officer Level III through the Joint Duty Assignment Management Information System.

Must be nominated by the Military Service upon successful completion of the joint qualification, education, and quality criteria for JQO designation.

Must have been assigned to a standard joint duty assignment (S-JDA) or gain experience points through joint matters experience.

S-JDAs only include those positions that are on the Joint Duty Assignment List.


Must be awarded full joint duty credit through an S-JDA, accrual of 24 joint qualification points, or a combination of S-JDA and E-JDA time to equal 24 points/months.

An officer serving in an S-JDA is prohibited from using time served in their current position to achieve the requisite 24 points required for Level III until the officer completes at least 22 months in the position.

A recency requirement of a minimum of 12 months of aggregated time in a position where joint experience is awarded while in the grade, for pay purposes, of O-4 or higher.

Due to the 12-month recency requirement, officers may need more than 24 total points to qualify for Level III.

Officers must be an O-4 (for pay purposes) for at least 1 day while filling an S-JDA in order for the full time in the S-JDA to count towards the 12-month recency requirement.

Officers with approved Experience-based Joint Duty Assignment experiences receive day-for-day credit for time as an O-4 (for pay purposes) towards the 12-month recency requirement.

Must successfully complete JPME Phase I and JPME Phase II.

Must have a minimum of 18 points must come from joint duty or experience.

A maximum of 6 discretionary points may be derived from joint training, joint exercises, and education/training courses other than JPME.

JQO designation is required for appointment as an O-7 (Active-duty officers only).

See DoDI 1300.19 Change 1 for Scientific, Technical, Professional, and Good of Service Waivers.




The duties will be as prescribed and designated by the command or activity to which assigned.

JQO Level III can be assigned to Joint Critical positions.

All JQO Level IIIs must be assigned to an S-JDA as their next duty assignment following graduation of National Defense University (as defined in CJCSI 1800.01 Series) unless waived on a case-by-case basis by USD(P&R).

Officer Military Training/Reporting/Special Duty Code (no related SOC) 00-0002.
