881A Marine Engineering Officer

The Army MOS 881A is a Marine Engineering Officer. They supervise the operation, maintenance, repair, and overhaul of engineering machinery and equipment. This includes marine power plants, propulsion systems, heating and ventilation systems, and other mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment. They also inspect ship’s machinery and shipboard equipment.

The 881A MOS also performs duties in preceding skill levels. At the senior staff level, they perform as a technical or Functional Systems Integrator.

To hold the MOS, applicants must: Have a physical profile of not less than 22221 Be in compliance with AR 40-501 para 4-12 a 5(a)(b) and AR 56-9 para 5-2 b (2)(a)(b)(c) Be deployable

For the latest information, you can contact your local U.S. Army recruiter.

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